Let’s try DAIN-App, frame interpolation of a movie with DAIN

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There seems to be a GUI application (DAIN-App) that can interpolate video frames with DAIN (Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation), so try it

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Tried it

To Do

  • Try DAIN GUI application, DAIN-App (Alpha 0.31)
    • Now avairable 0.40
  • Convert 15fps video (mp4) to 4 times 60fps

Not To Do

  • The source of DAIN itself is open to github, but this time i will not do it

Paper: Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation


Original video 15fps
Converted video 60fps (4x frame interpolation from 15 to 60)
Compare x0.25 Left: input <-> Right: output



The effect is slightly difficult to understand in the sample video, but it was able to improve FPS by frame interpolation of the video (2 times, 4 times, 8 times can be selected).

The conversion process takes a lot of time.

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How to use (Usage)

Download DAIN-App

Dain-App 1.0 [Nvidia Only] by GRisk
Animation Interpolation powered by AI

Download from “Download” and extract the rar file to any folder.

The size after expansion is about 1.6 GByte.







Launch DAIN-App

Lanch “DAINAPP.exe” in the extracted folder.















Run frame interpolation

Basic usage is as follows.

  • “Input File” : Select source video file
  • “Output Folder” : Select output destination
  • “Interpolate 2X”, “Interpolate 4X”, “Interpolate 8X” : Select the frame interpolation magnification
  • Press “Render”

The following console is displayed during conversion.







The estimated time to complete conversion does not appear, but the conversion process takes a long time.

It takes several hours to convert a movie FullHD (1920×1080) of 30fps to 60fps.

Conversion is completed when the following dialog is displayed.






If out of memory error occurs when trying to convert a high resolution video, check “Split frames into sections.”.


If the original frame image is blurred, the interpolation result is not so good, but if the original image has a solid shape, the interpolation will be relatively smooth.

That’s it!

いいね! いいね??(1)

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AI (Artificial Intelligence)
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